Saturday, June 19, 2010

NatiOnal SymbOls

  • Pakistan's Flag

The Pakistan Flag was designed by Ameer-ud-din Khidwai. The white represents Minorities and the dark green field represents the Muslim majority. The crescent on the
Flag represents progress. The five-rayed star represents light and knowledge.

  • National Emblem Of Pakistan

The national emblem of Pakistan was approved by the Central Government in 1954..There is a crescent and star crest at the top of the emblem, this is the traditional symbol if Islam. In the centre is a shield divided into four parts showing cotton, wheat, tea and jute which are the main crops of Pakistan. It signifies the strong agriculture based economy of the country. This shield is encircled by a wreath. The scroll supporting the shield carries the Urdu words 'Faith', 'Unity' and 'Discipline

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