Thursday, June 17, 2010

Quaid - i - Azam

The Father of the Nation( Quaid - i - Azam)
Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born at Karachi on December 25, 1876. He was admitted to bar in England and then he returned to India and became an active supporter of The Indian National Congress. In 1913, he joined the Muslim League. In 1916, he was elected the president of the Muslim League, he was re-elected to this post again in 1920. He played an important role in bringing about the Lucknow Pact of 1916. In the Lucknow Pact, the Congress agreed to ensure a separate electorate for the muslim community. He resigned from the Congress in 1930 and channelised all his efforts towards the ends of the Muslim League. He headed the Muslim League and struggled until the creation of the Independent Pakistan. He was appointed the first Governor general of Pakistan.

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